Inktober 2017: Day 6 Posted by Marissa Rojas on October 6, 2017 #inktober2017 Day 6: Nurse Betty Corgman My #welshcorgi OC, wife of my other OC, Bob Corgman (ya heard me!) I intend on making a finalized version of this piece for sale in print form in my shop hopefully in the near future. I'm just trying to double-check references to get some remote accuracy of a 1950s American #nurse uniform. #inktober #inkdrawing #illustration #ink #marker #drawingexercise #doggo #dog #characterart #characterdesign #portrait A post shared by Marissa Rojas (@thehangrypokey) on Oct 9, 2017 at 11:45pm PDT Share Share on Facebook Tweet Tweet on Twitter Pin it Pin on Pinterest